1. Rise early, before the sun, and use activated charcoal powder to brush your teeth. Occasionally, consider brushing with a Neem stem or a Pongamia pinnata stem."
  2. “Following your morning routine, spend 10 minutes observing the sunrise’s orange-hued sun and meditate for an additional 10 minutes in its gentle morning light.”
  3. “Engage in a daily walk for at least 75 minutes, prioritizing the duration of the walk over its speed.
  4. Opt for bathing with lukewarm or room-temperature water, as hot water is not advisable.”
  5. “Eliminate the intake of paddy rice, wheat, non-vegetarian food, all-purpose flour (Maida), tea, coffee, sugar, animal-based milk (both A1 and A2), refined oils, and dry fruits entirely.”
  6. “Prepare Kashaya using structured water and, if needed, sweeten it with palm jaggery. Consume the Kashaya while it’s warm.
  7. “Optimal meal frequency for individuals over 40 years of age is two meals per day. These meals can consist of fruits, Desi cow milk-based buttermilk, or plant-based milk (such as sesame, groundnut, coconut, or pearl millet) prepared buttermilk.”
  8. “If your schedule allows, consider a 30 to 45-minute evening walk and spend 10 minutes observing the orange-hued sun before it sets.”
  9. “One can have the same Kashaya consumed in the morning during the evening. Eat dinner 30 minutes after drinking the Kashaya and aim to go to bed 90 minutes after completing dinner.”
  10. “Ensure your bedroom is as dark as possible for optimal sleep conditions. If using a fan or AC, consider placing a bucket of water in the room to maintain moisture balance. Avoid having any electronic devices like mobile phones or computers in the sleeping area.
  11. “Incorporate a daily routine of spending time with nature amidst plants and trees. Encourage your children to develop this habit as well, nurturing a deep connection with the natural world.”
  12. “Engage in conversations with fellow travellers during your journeys, aiming to learn about unfamiliar subjects and share the knowledge you possess. Dedicate a minimum of 30 minutes each day to assist and support others.”